If you have a septic system there are a few things you should know in case of an emergency. Knowing about your septic system is also helpful when scheduling routine pumping and repairs. If you're a new homeowner, we can show you were things are located so that you can draw yourself a diagram for future use. Here's a list of things to know about your septic system so you'll be prepared next time it comes up.
1. Know where your tank and drainfield are located.
You can cause damage to your tank if you park a car above it unknowingly or ruin the pipes below ground if you plant trees too close to your drainfield.
2. Know what kind of access you have to your septic tank.
Do you have a large manhole or are there PVC pipes sticking up from the ground? If the manhole lid is buried we can install an extension to bring it up to grade level. This will save you from searching for it every 3 years and having to dig it back open.
3. Know how many gallons your tank holds.
This might seem trivial, but it's actually very important - most septic companies (ours included) base their costs on the number of gallons hauled and disposed of. Disposal isn't free and our trucks only hold so many gallons at a time so we'll ask what size your tank is so we can plan our day accordingly. If you have a large tank we'll make sure we arrive with an empty truck etc. An average tank is 1,000 gallons so that's what our prices are based on. If your tank is larger than 1,000 gallons we charge $0.08 per additional gallon.
4. Know how old your septic system is.
If your home is old your system may be old or it may have been replaced. It's good to know how old your system is so we can figure out what kind of system you have should you need repair work done.
5. Know what township you live in.
Every central PA township has different rules and regulations when it comes to septic pumping so it's important you follow their guidelines. When we pump your septic tank we'll make sure paperwork is submitted to the appropriate authorities so that you don't have to.