We’ve been in the septic business for over 60 years and we’ve dealt with tons of backups – the most common thing we find when we’re looking for the cause of the clog or backup, is flushable wipes! Yes, “flushable” wipes. Don’t let the labels fool you… There is no such thing as a “flushable” wipe when you have a septic system.Unlike toilet paper that dissolves quickly as soon as it gets wet, baby wipes, cleaning wipes and makeup removing wipes are durable and can take years to break down and dissolve. Don’t believe us? Watch this video.
Crazy right? Well, wipes aren’t the only thing you need to
watch out for. If you have a septic system it’s important to pay close
attention to what you flush on a regular basis. Wipes, balls of hair and
feminine products are obvious no-nos that can cause physical clogs and backups.
Other items to avoid include chemicals, grease and cleaning products – products
that aren’t the “obvious” ones.The reason for this is because your septic system is
designed to break down solids and waste with naturally occurring bacteria. When
you suddenly introduce harsh chemicals or grease to that environment, your
septic tank’s pH can change dramatically, ruining the balance of “healthy”
bacteria that keeps your tank working properly.If you’re not sure if a product or detergent is septic safe,
simply check the label. Many toilet paper products have a “septic safe” label
or icon. And at the end of the day, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Septic
backups are a huge mess to deal with and repairs can add up.If you have a septic system, here’s a cheat sheet for you!
NEVER flush or rinse the following items down the drain: