Whether its heavy rain due to hurricanes along the coast, or an early snowstorm turned to sleet and slush, it seems without fail that rain in Central Pa means septic problems. With over 60 years of experience in the septic industry, we've noticed a thing or two, so today we're sharing some tips to avoid a backup or a basement full of wastewater. Keep reading to learn more, and if your septic tank is due to be pumped, don't wait. Give us a call today.
When it comes to your septic system, heavy rain is no reason for alarm if you take good care of your septic tank and drainfield, and have your system serviced regularly. If you're not sure your family has been following the "do not flush" rules or your tank is due to be pumped out this year, give us a call today to schedule your Central Pa septic service. Townships are strict about pumping ordinances and right now our regular pumping schedule is about 6 weeks out. If you are due in 2022, now's the time to get your service scheduled.